Australian Embassy Event

2024-06-05T17:27:02+09:0022nd March, 2024|

Australian Embassy Dinner It was an absolute pleasure attending a dinner at the Australian Embassy in Timor-Leste to officially welcome me as Australian Business Champion for Timor-Leste. Many thanks to Deputy Head of Mission Suzanne Wilson and your team for your support and hospitality.

Transforming the Australia – Timor-Leste Business Relationship

2024-03-21T08:55:06+09:0021st March, 2024|

Transforming the Australia – Timor-Leste Business Relationship I congratulate the Australian Government for implementing key recommendations of the Nicholas Moore report, Invested. This document contains crucial actions which I wholeheartedly support because they have the potential to transform the business relationship between Australia and Timor-Leste. Photo: At the ASEAN50 Special Summit in Melbourne, I [...]

Mr Sakib Awan meets with Timor-Leste Vice Prime Minister

2024-06-05T17:26:31+09:0020th March, 2024|

Mr Sakib Awan meets with Timor-Leste Vice Prime Minister At the ASEAN50 Special Summit in Melbourne, Mr Sakib Awan, Founder and Chair of East Timor Trading Group, was honoured to be appointed the Australian Government's Australian Business Champion for Timor-Leste by Australian Prime Minister Albanese. Active in this exciting new role, Mr Awan engages with [...]

Ms Milena Pires appointed CEO Designate

2024-03-21T09:18:36+09:008th March, 2024|

Announcement From Mr Sakib Awan, Chair, East Timor Trading Group Ms Milena Pires appointed CEO Designate of East Timor Trading Group In September 2023, I had the pleasure of welcoming Ms Milena Pires to East Timor Trading Group (ETT) as Director for Corporate Affairs and Social Responsibility. It seems particularly appropriate to announce Milena’s [...]

Sakib Awan appointed Australian Business Champion for Timor-Leste

2024-06-05T17:25:47+09:005th March, 2024|

Sakib Awan appointed Australian Business Champion for Timor-Leste At the ASEAN50 Special Summit in Melbourne, Chair and Founder of East Timor Trading, Mr Sakib Awan, is appointed Australian Business Champion for Timor-Leste by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. 'I thank Prime Minister Albanese for this great honour.' Says Mr Awan of his appointment, 'I [...]

Philanthropy News: Eco Saver Beach Cleanup

2024-03-21T09:15:42+09:0029th February, 2024|

Philanthropy News: Eco Saver Beach Cleanup On February 1, 2024, ETTG's Sales and Marketing team organized an Eco Saver Beach Cleanup event at Cristo Rei Beach as part of our ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility campaign to keep Timor-Leste Beautiful for the locals and welcoming for visitors. This removed plastic and other debris from the [...]

Philanthropy News: Butter donation

2024-04-02T06:29:31+09:0027th February, 2024|

Philanthropy News: Butter donation ETTG proudly donates to many charities across Timor-Leste. In this instance, 2640 units of Anchor Pure New Zealand Salted Butter are given to Casa Vida, AHISAUN, Bidau Orphanage Dominicana, FCJ, Fokupers, Preschool Sentru Aprendizajen Intensivu Fini ba Timor, Arca Hera School, Escola Canossa, Klibur Domin, and Seminario Menor. Such [...]

Creating local jobs

2024-04-02T06:35:55+09:0027th February, 2024|

Creating local jobs ETTG currently employs over 200 staff, over 95 per cent of whom are Timorese nationals. Looking ahead, ETTG’s Chair, Mr Sakib Awan’s goal is to directly and indirectly provide employment for 1% of the country's population, which amounts to just over 13,200 jobs. How will this be achieved? Since arriving in Timor-Leste [...]

Collaborate and Grow

2024-04-02T06:32:45+09:0023rd February, 2024|

Collaborate and Grow ETT’s future growth will be based as much on collaboration as outright investment. Our 22 years of business experience in Timor-Leste has shown us that being part of and contributing to that community is vital. This connection also means that we know and understand what our market desires. The Timorese [...]

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