Vodka Cruiser Night Market

2024-08-23T13:37:23+09:0023rd August, 2024|

Vodka Cruiser Night Market 17 August 2024 On 17 August, ETT's top 25 customers, valued partners, and the lucky winners of the Vodka Cruiser lucky draw came together for an unforgettable evening at the Vodka Cruiser Timor-Leste Night Market! 🌟✨ A night of tropical energy, live music, and of course, ready-to-drink Vodka Cruisers awaited [...]

His Holiness Pope Francis’ visit

2024-07-26T12:55:25+09:0026th July, 2024|

His Holiness Pope Francis' visit 18 July 2024 In September, Timor-Leste will receive its second papal visit and its first since the restoration of independence. East Timor Trading Group is proud to sponsor polo shirts for all 1100 volunteers assisting with His Holiness Pope Francis' visit. Delivering the first of the official shirts to [...]

Sakib Awan meets with Prime Minister Gusmao

2024-07-23T12:13:10+09:0023rd July, 2024|

Sakib Awan meets with Prime Minister Gusmao 18 July 2024 Paraphrasing the Prime Minister's office official Facebook post relating to my meeting with His Excellency on 18 July 2024: “After 25 years of investing in Timor-Leste, East Timor Trading Group employs more than 200 Timorese and promises to continue making more investments [...]

Sakib Awan meets with The President

2024-07-22T14:39:12+09:0022nd July, 2024|

Sakib Awan meets with President Jose Ramos-Horta 19 July 2024 President Jose Ramos-Horta offered his ongoing support for matters of mutual interest when he received me at his office in Dili last week. East Timor Trading Group is currently developing new projects related to the country's economic development, details of which will soon be released.

Vice Prime Minister Francisco Kalbuadi Lay

2024-07-22T14:28:25+09:0022nd July, 2024|

Sakib Awan meets with Vice Prime Minister Francisco Kalbuadi Lay 18 July 2024 Sakib Awan was pleased to be welcomed by Vice Prime Minister Francisco Kalbuadi Lay on his trip to Dili last week. They discussed various items, including the fine-tuning of East Timor Trading's Special Investment Agreement with the Timor-Leste Government for the [...]

Sakib Awan meets new US Ambassador to Timor-Leste

2024-07-18T17:04:57+09:0018th July, 2024|

Sakib Awan meets with the new United States Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Her Excellency Donna Welton 8 July 2024 This week Sakib Awan had the pleasure of meeting Ambassador Donna Welton as she begins her term as United States Ambassador to Timor-Leste after presenting her credentials to President José Ramos-Horta on July 16. Timor-Leste is [...]

Supporting The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

2024-07-09T07:40:38+09:009th July, 2024|

Supporting The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award 8 July 2024 Two years ago, Neelo and I had the pleasure of being invited to a dinner at Buckingham Palace in recognition of our support for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. This cause is close to our hearts, and we continue to support it for [...]

Xanana GusmĂŁo Reading Room Fundraiser

2024-06-26T21:49:54+09:0026th June, 2024|

Xanana Gusmão Reading Room Fundraiser 24 June 2024 A Xanana Gusmão Reading Room fundraiser was held to celebrate HE Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao’s 78th birthday. The wonderful celebratory event included an auction of artworks by Prime Minister Xanana and several items owned by him, which raised an impressive US$1.2 million for the Reading Room. [...]

Streamlining Timor-Leste’s Visa Process

2024-06-26T21:50:18+09:0025th June, 2024|

Streamlining Timor-Leste's Visa Process Reply to the article in East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) from Macao News 24 June 2024 The change in Timor-Leste's visa processes to allow migration attachés in Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, China, and Portugal to issue visas for 'work, business, temporary stays, establishment of residence, [...]

Mr Sakib Awan GMN TV Interview

2024-06-20T11:03:10+09:0020th June, 2024|

An interview with Sakib Awan at the Timor-Leste Australia Economic and Business Conference 12 June 2024 Timor-Leste's Grupo Media Naconale TV conducted this interview with East Timor-Trading's founder and director, Mr Sakib Awan, at the Conference. Mr Awan expresses his thoughts on investment and opportunity in Timor-Leste in his capacity as Australian Business Champion [...]

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